국립범죄수사국(National Crime Agency)은 돈 노새에 대한 인식을 높이기 위한 캠페인을 시작합니다.

30세 미만의 돈 노새 10명 중 약 6명이 젊은 사람들이 사기의 주요 피해자가 되고 있습니다.

To help tackle this, the National Crime Agency (NCA) has launched a new campaign to raise awareness and educate the public on the prevalence and impact of money mules.

As a payments’ provider with our customers’ best interest in minds, we strongly support this campaign and want to help raise awareness of the prevalence of money laundering and money mules. We would urge everyone to watch the video to understand how criminals are targeting young people on social media and luring them in with the promise of free money.

This is money laundering. This is a crime. #DontBeUsed

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