Next Level Security

It’s easy to drop your guard when you’re online, as we become increasingly comfortable sharing our details with trusted providers and conducting ever more business through accounts and emails. The previous generations would protect personal info like it was the tomb at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark. Back when your card number was sacrosanct, your address was to be guarded and the internet was connected to the landline.

Times have changed a lot since then, now we’re so used to filling in forms that include personal information, most phones can do it for you with auto-fill.

This relaxing of attitudes means that there are loads of new and devious ways to commit fraud. If you’ve ever been subject to ID fraud or had your accounts raided without your knowledge you’ll know it feels a lot like being robbed, because that’s what it is.

The best way to protect yourself from cyber crime is to make sure that you’re in complete control. MuchBetter offers a system with next level security, so that you and your money are a moving target, safe from criminals and prying eyes.

The MuchBetter prepaid card is perfect for shopping on and offline, because it’s only ever got access to the money you have allocated to it. Although you can easily top up your MuchBetter account using an account of your choosing, your money is ring-fenced and protected by our advanced security systems.

When purchasing online, MuchBetter also offers a dynamic CVV. The CVV is the last point of security when using your card, and a definite soft spot for phishing, smishing and all the other sneaky ways of getting your info illegally. With the MuchBetter CVV you never use the same one twice, meaning with every purchase you’re fully protected even if there is something sinister lurking in the background.

MuchBetter puts security at the very front of everything we do but you can also work to keep yourself safe. Check out this site for even more ways to stay safe online and keep your life, and your finances fraud free. 

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