Aby zapewnić sobie najwyższy poziom bezpieczeństwa podczas zakupów online, wystarczy wybrać odpowiedni portfel cyfrowy

Zakupy online i przelewy pieniędzy są coraz powszechniejsze. Aby zapewnić najlepsze bezpieczeństwo, dokonaj właściwego wyboru konta cyfrowego i aplikacji.

In these times of Covid pandemic, purchasing online has become the norm. Right now, we are living in restricted lives but even when our complete freedom has been re-established, we will never go back to using cash as we did in the past. Instead, a simple but efficient system will take its place: the digital wallet.

ePay , Ricarica voucher , MuchBetter Wallet , prepaid wallet , transfer , transactions

What is an digital wallet?

A digital account functioning through a smartphone app. But, to hit the bullseye, choose the best digital wallet out there, choose MuchBetter allows you to transform cash into electronic money to make purchases in shops and on-line, play, transfer money to friends and family as well as receiving payments from others. With MuchBetter, freedom wins the day because you can forget about wallets and credit cards: the only thing you need is your smartphone.

MuchBetter: how does it work?

Activating and using MuchBetter is simplicity itself, just stop by at one of the local authorized stores – there are over 15.000 across Italy – and purchase your MuchBetter Top up Voucher. After installing the MuchBetter app and verifying your account, use the PIN on the voucher to top up your MuchBetter account and you are ready to make purchases and transfer money to friends and family for free.

Easy payments, maximum security

When the terms “payment” and “on-line” are heard together one aspect is fundamental: security. CVV (Card Validation Value or Card Verification Value) is an indispensable security code for all credit card purchases. It is made up of three digits and is found on the back of most credit and pre-paid debit cards. Using dynamic CVV a unique code is created by the app mobile for every transaction, so the code cannot be cloned by digital scanners and any attempt at fraud is immediately blocked.

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