DressCode launches CashCuff: The world’s first smart shirt

Cambridge, UK, 5 November 2019 – DressCode, The Cambridge-based high-tech fashion start-up, today announced the launch of the world’s first smart shirt. The CashCuff enables contactless payments from the cuff – no wallet, phone or app required. 

DressCode designs and sells beautifully tailored shirts, with designs that reflect our digital, eco-caring and high-tech world. These designs now come with a unique bonus, the CashCuff, a contactless payment capability that is discretely embodied in the shirt cuff. A young company, DressCode’s design team was inspired by technology for the design of its shirts, and uses pixels, screen glitches, binary, cursors and other techie themes to create shirts that are truly unique.

“The love of tech had the team itching to create a ‘smart’ shirt,” explained DressCode CEO and founder, Andy Boothman. “We designed CashCuff for the fashion conscious high tech lover, it’s hidden away out of sight, but always there when you want it. This is chic geek. CashCuff is defining fashion-tech, a marriage of the simplicity of contactless payment with exquisite tailoring. Designed with slow-fashion and the environment in mind, DressCode shirts will withstand hundreds of washes making them eco-friendly and extremely good value.

“With a CashCuff shirt from DressCode, our customers have one less thing to worry about. They have money available on-demand, no wallet…no phone…no problem. It’s perfect for going about your daily routine safe in the knowledge that you have cash on hand whenever you need it.”

DressCode worked closely with DIGISEQ, a wearable enabler to realise the CashCuff concept, as well as MuchBetter, the payment application behind the CashCuff payment functionality.

“Our technology enables any brand to turn their product into a payment product,” said MuchBetter co-founder, Jens Bader “We make ordinary payments much more rewarding for users and, to date we’ve turned watches, keyfobs, shirts and even Lucozade drinks bottles into payment devices, to suit whatever use case our customers need. DressCode is a fascinating demonstration of our technology in action, and represents the perfect intersection of fashion and technology. There’s a reason more than 300,000 people use MuchBetter as their preferred payment service today, and that number is growing every day.”

DressCode is on a mission to update the suit and tie, recognising that today’s smart men demand simpler clothing that looks formal enough without a tie yet luxuriously comfortable to wear. Dresscode customers are making a subtle statement with their clothing choices: less intrusive, with smart tech that feels natural when used.


What tech is involved?

The CashCuff® uses NFC (near field communication) technology connected to a Mastercard prepaid card. Using the award winning MuchBetter® digital payment platform, users allocate funds to the shirt.

Can I switch it off?

Yes, via the MuchBetter® platform, CashCuff® can be switched off in seconds, rendering it completely useless. It can then be reactivated just as quickly, using MuchBetter®.

What about washing and ironing the shirt?

In the same way you wouldn’t wash your credit card and expect that to keep working, the CashCuff® is removable. We believe this creates a more convenient solution for our customers – allowing them move the chip from shirt to shirt.

Can I Iron it?Just as you would remove collar stays or cufflinks from your shirt to iron it, you remove your CashCuff® chip to iron the shirt.

Is the CashCuff® a ‘wearable’?

The CashCuff® could be described as passive wearable technology, in the form of smart clothing, using EMV waves from POS terminals for power generation. We prefer to describe the CashCuff® as smart clothing, offering technology within the construction of the garment without the need for external devices or controls.


Working with three globally recognized financial technology (fintech) companies ensures that CashCuff® cannot be skimmed, should the customer loose the chip it can be deactivated in seconds, in the unlikely event that someone did manage to use your CashCuff® without your knowledge, because it is a pre-pay system that you control, the financial exposure to you and your money is contained.

About DressCode

This is where the DressCode story starts…a printer glitch. Initial reactions involved swearing but once the red mist subsided, we noticed some really interesting things were happening, yes things had gone wrong, but they’d gone beautifully wrong. We shared our ideas with friends and family who confirmed there was real appeal in the idea. That print glitch inspired the whole DressCode concept, creating stylish shirts for people who love tech in all its many forms. The development of Glitch needed careful consideration and some arm twisting, not least from the printers who were baffled by our files, suggesting there were errors, or viruses, due to the pixelated nature of their output.

Founded by Andy Boothman in 2018, DressCodeShirts Ltd. is a Cambridge, UK company that designs ultra high quality shirts that are hand-made by a small team of tailoring experts. Attention to detail is everything, our customers expect the best – the best materials, practices and production when we are creating our shirts. We are very proud of the shirts that we produce, products that will give our customers years of pleasure.

DressCode shirts can be purchased on-line www.dresscodeshirts.co.uk/


DIGISEQ connects product designers and producers to the payment ecosystem. It is the first company in the world to enable tokenised passive payment wearables and bring them to market.

It’s PCI CP certified platform generates and manipulates sensitive data in a secure environment. Certified banking and passport grade security ensures the highest standards of safety.

Sobre MuchBetter

MuchBetter believes there is a better way to spend money, and is on a mission to make payments less ordinary and more rewarding. It’s technology enables partners like DressCode turn any product into a secure contactless payment product – with an accompanying mobile app available for iOS and Android. Whether you are gifting that special person in your life, paying for that ‘must have’ item in store or on your favourite ecommerce site, or simply getting your morning caffeine fix on the way to work, there is a MuchBetter way of paying for it.

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