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Free, simple, and secure fund transfers and requests? That’s MuchBetter! Știri

Free, simple, and secure fund transfers and requests? That’s MuchBetter!

The MuchBetter payment app makes sending and receiving money easy: it’s fast, secure, and doesn’t require a bank account.
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MuchBetter sponsorizează Real Betis Știri de companie

MuchBetter sponsorizează Real Betis

MuchBetter a intrat într-o sponsorizare de 3 ani cu clubul de fotbal spaniol, Real Betis Balompié, ca furnizor oficial de eWallet.
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Rolul portofelelor digitale: ce se schimbă pentru jucători și operatori? Știri

Rolul portofelelor digitale: ce se schimbă pentru jucători și operatori?

Israel Rosenthal, CEO al MuchBetter, reflectă asupra rolului din ce în ce mai important pe care portofelele digitale îl joacă în sectorul iGaming.
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Make your everyday payments easier and safe than ever, using MuchBetter digital wallet and Ricarica vouchers Știri

Make your everyday payments easier and safer than ever, with the MuchBetter Wallet and Ricarica vouchers

Safety and security; find out more about the digital wallet that allows you to defend yourself from online theft and fraud.
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To ensure the best security with your On-line purchasing, you only need to choose the right e-wallet. Italia

To ensure the best security with your online purchasing, you only need to choose the right digital wallet

Online purchasing and transferring money is increasingly common. To ensure the best security, make the right choice of digital account and app.
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In Italy e-wallets and mobile payment are gaining popularity: the reasons for their success Italia

În Italia, portofelele digitale și plățile mobile câștigă popularitate: motivele succesului lor

Over the last few years, Italy been very attached to using cash, but has seen a real boom in digital payments and especially in apps: ...
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Want to shop on line with minimum risk? Get to know MuchBetter’s flagship feature – Your own dynamic CVV Știri

Want to shop online with minimum risk? Get to know MuchBetter’s flagship feature

The key to living a stress-free, mindful life also comes through making secure purchases. That is what makes us MuchBetter.
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Simpler and easier P2P is MuchBetter Știri

Simpler and easier P2P is MuchBetter

Bye Bye cash! With your digital wallet, transferring and receiving money, shopping and play have never been so easy and quick.
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Sebastian este primul câștigător al MegaDraw MuchBetter 2021 Jocuri

Sebastian este primul câștigător al MegaDraw MuchBetter 2021

Felicitări lui Sebastian, din Olanda, care este primul nostru câștigător MegaDraw din 2021.
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Procesarea KYC în afara fluxului de tranzacții B2B

Procesarea KYC în afara fluxului de tranzacții

Operatorii pot procesa acum KYC (Know Your Customer) cu clienții MuchBetter în afara fluxului de tranzacții.
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