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Italy is moving from cash to digital wallets

Italians are gradually switching from cash to card and more and more people are choosing to use digital wallets.
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Why are Italians moving from cash to digital wallets?

Times are changing and 2020 has seen an unprecedented tidal wave of people moving away from cash payments towards digital wallets.
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MuchBetter Prepaid Cards Launch in Italy

This month, MuchBetter launched Ricarica MuchBetter; a new and more convenient way to add funds to your MuchBetter account and access a prepaid virtual card ...
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MuchBetter rewards customers with major cash giveaway Jocuri

MuchBetter rewards customers with major cash giveaway

The annual MuchBetter MegaDraw is back. We’re giving one lucky MuchBetter customer the chance to win a huge reward of $60,000!
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MuchBetter launches MegaDraw ’20 Jocuri

MuchBetter launches MegaDraw ’20

The MuchBetter MegaDraw is back and bigger than ever, and this year we’re giving one lucky winner the chance to win a huge $60,000 cash!
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Rootz chooses MuchBetter as payment partner

MuchBetter is now available as a payment option for all Rootz Wildz and Caxino Casino players.
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Why choose the MuchBetter payment app?

With localised payment options, real-time transfers, and innovative security features, MuchBetter has become the preferred payment app of players.
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How to: verify your MuchBetter account for higher limits

To ensure that your future deposits and withdrawals are made quick and easy, it is important that you verify your account.
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MuchBetter fans of West Ham United video call team players

Hammershot winners received a cash prize, a personalised West Ham shirt, and an online video call with the first team players.
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MuchBetter wins Innovation in payments solution award at prestigious EGR B2B Awards

MuchBetter won the Innovation in Payments Solution Award at the prestigious 2020 EGR B2B Awards.
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