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MuchBetter launches personal IBAN service for secure, hassle free deposits

The IBAN service is a free, private and straightforward way for players to transfer payments to their most frequently used iGaming accounts.
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Build customer loyalty with real-time customer engagement

CashDuster is a real-time customer engagement tool that turns the MuchBetter app into a unique channel for building brand loyalty.
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Girl jumping against pink sunset with clouds and 2019 on display Știri de companie

Why it was so MuchBetter in 2019!

We had a great year at MuchBetter and so have many of our customers.
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Pay by Bank is free for MuchBetter customers!

You can now top up your MuchBetter account using Pay by Bank in just a few seconds.
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Dresscode smart shirt making contactless payment Știri de companie

DressCode launches CashCuff: The world’s first smart shirt

DressCode, the high-tech fashion start-up, announced the launch of the world’s first smart shirt.
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gaming icons coming out of smart phone B2B

Social responsibility and gaming promotions – getting the balance right

All gaming operators must comply with regulatory codes of practice for advertising and marketing their products.
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finger pointing at online gaming icons B2B

Strategies for customer retention in the online gaming industry

That old adage that it’s easier to retain a customer than attract and convert a new one is true across all industries including online gaming.
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3 Payment trends that are changing the gaming business

Which payment trends are shaping the gaming business today, and how can you optimise your payment processes to stay ahead this year and next?
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MuchBetter launches ‘Bank-in-a-box’ solution

Challenger payments company, MuchBetter, today announced the release of its ‘Bank-in-a-box’ fully managed solution.
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Mastercard Pay By Bank goes live on MuchBetter, eliminates transfer fees

MuchBetter, the award winning payments company, today announced its integration with Mastercard’s Pay By Bank, one of the first digital wallets to do so.
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