Articole de știri

MuchBetter People: Steven Taggart, Commercial Operations Manager Știri

MuchBetter People: Steven Taggart, Commercial Operations Manager

The team at MuchBetter is made up of people with many talents and interests.
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Digital Wallets: Where did they come from? Where will they go?

Although it may feel like digital wallets are a new kid on the tech block, they’ve been around since the 90s.
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Știri de companie

Lottoland chooses MuchBetter gaming wallet for user experience, scalability and global footprint

MuchBetter, the iGaming payments company, today announced its immediate availability to Lottoland players worldwide.
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Impactul biometriei asupra plăților online

Biometrics are pretty cool right now. We’ve got accustomed to using them to unlock our smartphones, gain entry into our workplaces, and now increasingly to ...
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Știri de companie

Easy Payment Gateway integrates MuchBetter payment option

MuchBetter, the iGaming payments company, today announced its global integration with Easy Payment Gateway the popular payment gateway API.
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De ce aplicațiile de plată mobilă sunt din ce în ce mai importante pentru comercianții globali

Everywhere in the world, cash is quickly making way for secure payments on mobile devices. Read why merchants should explore accepting transactions via mobile payment ...
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How do digital wallets work and how safe are they?

In recent years many new digital payment methods have come to market.
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Next Level Security Știri

Next Level Security

MuchBetter puts security at the very front of everything we do but you can also work to keep yourself safe.
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No phone? No wallet? No worries!

There are loads of situations where you might suddenly be stranded without your phone or wallet and it can be a scary scenario. Introducing our ...
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Digital Wallets – A Beginner’s Guide

You may have heard the term digital wallet, but where do they come from and what do they do? Here’s a quick guide to the ...
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