MuchBetter 的标志性橙色卡又回来了!
马恩岛 – MuchBetter 已为英国和欧洲经济区大部分地区的客户重新推出了预付卡 Mastercard®。作为重新发布的一部分,MuchBetter 推出了一项新的虚拟卡功能,为客户提供了免费且即时的选项来增强他们的 MuchBetter 消费体验。MuchBetter 的虚拟预付卡最初将推出 […]
在纹章学中,橙色象征着力量和耐力,这与我们的 MuchBetter 口号完全一致。
Pay by Bank is free for MuchBetter customers!
You can now top up your MuchBetter account using Pay by Bank in just a few seconds.
DressCode 推出 CashCuff:世界上第一款智能衬衫
高科技时尚初创公司 DressCode 宣布推出世界上第一款智能衬衫。
No phone? No wallet? No worries!
There are loads of situations where you might suddenly be stranded without your phone or wallet and it can be a scary scenario. Introducing our cool contactless payment fob.
Digital Wallets – A Beginner’s Guide
You may have heard the term digital wallet, but where do they come from and what do they do? Here’s a quick guide to the future of payments.