Cardurile portocalii emblematice ale MuchBetter au revenit!

INSULA MAN – MuchBetter have brought their prepaid Mastercard® back for customers in the UK and majority of the EEA.

As part of the rerelease, MuchBetter has launched a new virtual card feature which gives customers a free and instant option to enhance their MuchBetter spending experience. MuchBetter’s virtual prepaid cards will initially come in four metallic designs with the added security benefit of a dynamic CVC feature, with the plan to expand the stylistic offering of the virtual card designs throughout 2024.

MuchBetter’s physical prepaid cards come in their trademark orange colour and includes the ability to freeze the card if lost, which can be unfrozen if found and can be easily replaced if not. While the cards can be used for contactless spending, plans to add Google Pay and Apple Pay functionality will come later in the year.

The digital wallet app company have partnered with a new European card and wearable issuer, Paynovate SA. Paynovate SA are an Electronic Money Institution (EMI) licensed by the National Bank of Belgium and have an FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) license (AEMI) and offer a trusted and regulated platform.

While MuchBetter embarked on a gradual re-release for their cards, this is just the first step in their strategy for 2024, with wearables being released in the coming months and more exciting things to come throughout the year.


Mastercard este o marcă comercială înregistrată, iar designul cercurilor este o marcă comercială a Mastercard International Incorporated.

Cardul MuchBetter este emis de Paynovate SA în baza licenței de la Mastercard. Paynovate SA este un emitent de monedă electronică reglementat de Banca Națională a Belgiei. Paynovate SA este înregistrată la Banque-Carrefour des Enterprises sub numărul BE0506 763 929.

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