MuchBetter Fees
Payment Method | Deposit Fee % | Deposit Flat Fee | Withdrawal Fee % | Withdrawal Flat Fee |
Using your MuchBetter account:
Usage Method | Fee |
Transfer to friends (P2P) | Free |
Receive transfers (P2P) | Free |
Pay a merchant | Free |
Transfer from a merchant | Free |
Request a gift | Free |
Send a gift | Free |
Request money from a friend | Free |
Currency conversion* | 0.99% for conversions between USD/EUR/GBP – FX rates will vary for all other currency conversion including where USD/EUR/GBP is converted to a different currency |
Using your MuchBetter card:
Usage Method | Fee |
Purchasing virtual card | Free |
Purchasing physical card | 12.99 USD/10.99 EUR/9.99 GBP/55 PLN Fees may vary for other wallet currencies, please refer to app if your currency isn’t listed. |
Use online | Free |
Use in person | Free |
Use contactless | Free |
Use at ATM | 0.99% |
Use with gaming/gambling merchant | 2% |
Currency conversion* | 0.99% for USD/EUR/GBP – FX rates will vary for all other currency conversion including where USD/EUR/GBP is converted to a different currency |
*Our currency exchange rate service is provided by, and these are updated throughout each day. It is the User’s responsibility to check the applicable rates on before proceeding with transactions involving an exchange of currency. In most currencies, we will add a margin to the mid-market exchange rate provided by XE. We are not a bureau de change (currency exchange). We are not responsible for any loss due to changes in exchange rate. If the transfer method is not an instant method, the exchange rate as described above will be applied when we are provided a confirmation of the transfer by our payment processor. Please contact our Support Team with any additional FX queries. You can also see the exchange rate of your transaction from the transaction history of your MuchBetter app, by tapping on the specific one. You will see the transaction amount, exchange rate, and any fees as applicable.
Important Notes
1. Your bank may apply additional charges or currency exchange fees.
2. We may be unable to accept money from or send money to certain territories outside of the EEA.
3. We may change or reduce fees for limited time promotional purposes.
4. Whist we endeavor to keep this fees page up to date, please always refer to the fees stated in the MuchBetter app as the most accurate and up to date figures.
5. We reserve the right to change our fees stated in this document at any time.
6. Prices in this document are part of our TCs and generally valid until a change is communicated to customers. However promotional changes (reductions or waiving fees) are possible at Rtekk’s discretion and does not require separate communication.
7. Loading and withdrawing fees are charged for performing a financial service and are set on basis of passing our incurred costs for performing this service into these fees.
8. A management fee of $5 or currency equivalent (with no additional FX charge) per month may be applied on an inactive account. For more information regarding inactive accounts, please read our Terms and Conditions. If your account balance is below $5 or currency equivalent, we will charge you what remains in your account and take your balance to 0.